WestCord WTC Hotel Leeuwarden
WestCord WTC Hotel Leeuwarden
OurWestCord WTC Hotel has an ideal location for both business and leisure guests. This makes the hotel and its target audience very diverse! The hotel has 142 rooms spread over 11 floors! Our greatest pride is the culinary restaurant élevé and sky bar on the 11th floor, where you have a spectacular view of Leeuwarden and more! the surrounding area! Élevé, led by chef Mike Kalkman, has received a Bib Gourmand award, which means you can enjoy culinary delights at a high level, literally and figuratively. WestCord WTC hotel also offers plenty of options for business guests and for events! We have a very impressive lobby and have various meeting & convention rooms! Our largest room, New York, is even 200m2 in size and when combining the three rooms, the total is over 600m2! This makes us the largest event location in Leeuwarden! Which means we have many cool events every year. In short, there is always something to do in our hotel!
Despite the fact that we are a fairly large hotel, we have a close-knit team, because together we ensure that the hotel runs smoothly. Another fun fact is that the main office is also located in the WTC hotel. So you have a whole new group of colleagues! This often makes consultation easier!