Meet Giovanni and Rutger
Working at Westcord Hotels

Meet Giovanni and Rutger

Meet Giovanni and Rutger

ss Rotterdam

At WestCord are working a lot of talented people. Their drive and passion for delighting guests is admirable, and we are happy to highlight two of them. This edition features father and son, Rutger and Giovanni Romijn, both working in the technical department on the ss Rotterdam. Extra special is that Rutger wanted to work on a beautiful location, and Giovanni, inspired by his father's enthusiastic stories, decided to change his profession. He was initially a chef but happily transitioned to the technical department. No day is the same on this beautiful cruise ship of the Holland-America line at Katendrecht. The joy in their work, strong team spirit, and technical challenges ensure they go to work every day with enthusiasm. We asked them about their experiences.

How did you start your career at ss Rotterdam?

Rutger: "I was looking for a new challenge on a beautiful location. I came across a vacancy for a technical service employee on the ss Rotterdam. I applied and successfully got the job; I've been working here since 2022. No day is the same. On such a large cruise ship, we have a lot of everything. We have 26 air handling units, 28 electrical panels, and much more. Every day, there's something different happening, from a dishwasher not working to a car wash malfunctioning or vending machines breaking down. Right now, we're busy with major maintenance on the hotel rooms."

Giovanni: "I was initially a chef near the port and heard from my father about an available position for a technical service employee on the ship. Since I enjoy working with my hands, find electricity interesting, and like maintenance, it seemed like a good choice to go for this position. So far, I’ve learned everything from my father."

What makes this hotel unique for you?

Rutger: "A regular hotel, to put it simply, is a large square box where everything is always the same. On a blueprint, it's obvious that the pipes run from left to right and from top to bottom. But here on the ship, you have to figure out where everything goes. Nothing is logical. We're a floating hotel, and that makes working here interesting. Our team ensures climate control and keeps the technical parts functional. We make sure no one notices our work; it all happens in the background."

Giovanni: "Of course, it's in Rotterdam, the most beautiful city in the Netherlands. And it's an old ship. It has a beautiful appearance both inside and out. You see many things here that you wouldn't normally see in a building, so the challenges are unique. For solutions, you really have to stop and think, which makes it incredibly interesting."

How would you describe working at this hotel in three words?

Rutger: "Challenging, humorous, and enjoyable. Good teamwork is essential; without it, you won't get anywhere here."

Giovanni: "Fun, enjoyable, and challenging. Our colleagues form a close-knit team where collaboration is key. We can have a good laugh together and work hard, which makes working here extra fun."

What does your job entail exactly?

Giovanni: "As a technical service employee, we're responsible for the maintenance of the ship. This means we repair and maintain everything that breaks or needs upkeep. For example, if an emergency light is broken, we ensure it’s fully functional again. Also, if there’s a leak or a blockage, we do our best to solve the problem."

What makes this job fun?

Rutger: "The challenge lies in solving problems without others noticing. There’s no set rule where you can always rely on your knowledge. Sometimes you have to reinvent the wheel because the knowledge you have from a building doesn't always apply here."

What does a workday look like for you?

Rutger: "As a technical service employee on the ss Rotterdam, no days are the same. Each day starts with checking the technical installations and systems on board. Throughout the day, various tasks and problems arise, ranging from small repairs to large-scale maintenance. Our team is ready to act quickly and efficiently, ensuring the hotel remains operational and our guests have a comfortable stay. Besides solving technical problems, we also perform preventive maintenance to prevent future malfunctions."

Giovanni: "An average workday often starts with a cup of coffee, discussing what needs to be done and who will do what. Depending on the schedule, we could be working on room maintenance, replacing or repairing emergency lights, and handling work orders. This makes for a varied day where we tackle different tasks, from fixing a toilet seat to resolving a power outage."

What has been your most memorable moment so far?

Rutger: "Being present during the Nacht van de Kaap. That’s a major recurring event in Rotterdam that attracts many people. There's so much activity around and on the ship, it’s one big party. One technical service employee needs to be present in case anything goes wrong, and you have to ensure everything runs smoothly."

Giovanni: "The best memories are the moments during breaks when we laughed hard together, sometimes to the point of tears. It’s mainly those moments with colleagues that stick with me."

How do you unwind in your free time?

Rutger: "I believe balance is something you need to take responsibility for. I really enjoy working on cars and often attend car events on weekends, catching up over a cup of coffee. That’s where I get my energy and relaxation. Occasionally, I play a game on the computer or enjoy a good whiskey."

Giovanni: "In my free time, I find it hard to truly unwind because I'm always busy with my car, going to concerts, reading books, and so on. But I try to give myself time to let go of everything occasionally. Besides that, I work out five days a week, mostly doing strength training and cardio at the gym."

What is the biggest highlight in your work?

Rutger: "When I see that the small group of people we work with is performing optimally and collaborating well. When we achieve that, it’s a moment where I think, yes, this is great."

What’s your golden technical tip?

Giovanni: "Always think carefully about what you're going to do and be well-prepared."